Exhibitor Info
Stay tuned for information on how to particpate
in the 25th anniversary of the Blessing of the Combines, August 2nd, 2025.
Participant information and area details.
SET-UP TIME on August 3rd is between 6:00 am and 9:00 am. All vehicles must be out of the area by 8:00am! We recommend that you unload early, go park your vehicle, and then return to set up.
We ask that all participants be set up by 9am.
The event runs from 10 am to 3 pm.
Please be ready to open by 9:30 AM at the latest.
All participants must STAY OPEN until 3:00 pm.
PARKING is available in the Green Street Parking Lot or in Byrd Park. For more information on parking and shuttle services, please see the parking information at https://blessingofthecombines.org.
Spaces are marked. See a Committee member (wearing a safety vest and carrying a clipboard) if you have questions when you arrive. There is also an information booth and command central in front of 112 W. Green Street.
A copy of the draft PROGRAM will be posted under Program sometime in early July. Please check your entry in the program for correctness. Once it goes to the printer it's too late to change it. We will be printing at least 1000 programs to distribute before and during the event to promote everyone's particpation.
We also request that you please Follow us on Facebook and promote the event and your particpation in it on social media.
Please email blesscombines@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.